The Ben Webster Foundation and Paradise Jazzclub in Copenhagen celebrated the legendary saxplayer and composer on nov. 21. 2023.
The concert featured a number of Prizewinners from 1986 to 2023 playing the music of Ben Webster. The prize has been given to jazzmusicians playing on the danish jazzscene since 1977 and is given every year right after Webster's birthday on march 27. Ben Webster died in Denmark on sept. 20. 1973. 50 years ago.
The lineup on nov. 21. 2023 was:
Morten Lund (tr) PW 2006
Thomas Fonnesbæk (bass) PrizeWinner 2021
Bo Stief (bass) PW 2011
Henrik Bolberg (trp). PW 1995
Christina von Bülov (altosax) PW 2002
Pernille Bevort (tenorsax) PW 2001
Ole Koch Hansen (piano) PW 1986
Jacob Fishcer (guitar) PW 1996
Zier Romme (piano) PW 2023
Sinne Eeg (vocal) PW 2014
Jesper Løvdal (chairman of the Board, The Ben Webster Foundation)
Optaget af Morten Bo Larsen/Tiny House Film
A Great Time…i Websters ånd
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Her er de, en flok ”ambassadører” for dansk jazz, samlet af Ben Websters Fond til en Webster-blues, Poutin’, for at skyde hul i karantænen, more sig, og glæde andre uden for det fede studie, The Village, i København hos Thomas Vang – video, super lyd, høj stemning – og behørig afstand og naturligvis med respekt for myndighedernes retningslinjer. Vi ville gerne have haft endnu flere med, men det var ikke muligt.
Det skete 8. maj på St. Bededag, to rytmegrupper og solisterne ind én ad gangen, når de havde steppet utålmodigt foran studiedøren.
En jam? Joh, men også en demonstration:
Jazz Matters, Jazz Lives.
More to come med kærlig hilsen fra Ben Webster og Ben Websters Fond
A Great Time…in the spirit of Ben Webster.
Just imagine, 21 brilliant singers and musicians turning up on your doorstep to show that Jazz Lives.
And then stop imagining!
Here they are, representing Danish jazz, summoned by the Ben Webster Foundation to blow on the Webster blues, Poutin’, shooting a big hole in the quarantine, having fun and bringing joy to others outside the great recording studio The Village in Copenhagen, hosted by Thomas Vang – video, great sound, wonderful atmosphere – all at an appropriate physical distance in compliance with rules and recommendations. We would have liked more to join the fun, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.
The date was the 8th of May, two rhythm sections and the soloists coming in one at a time, after some impatient waiting in front of the studio door.
A jam? Oh yes, but also a demonstration:
Jazz Matters, Jazz Lives.
More to come, with love from Ben Webster and The Ben Webster Foundation.