With strings 1968 at TV-Byen

At the piano in Copenhagen

The Fletcher Henderson Orchestra 1931

Lester Young Family Band 1924

Young Lester Young

Rio Grande


This is Ben Webster reminiscing about his musical life.

Excerpts from an interview made by
Henrik Wolsgaard-Iversen in 1971


”Playing the Violin”
His mother, a schoolteacher wanted him to be a little gentleman,
so 7- 8 years old he started playing the violin. He was not happy.

(Music: Prelude of a Kiss 1953 with strings)


“Playing The Piano”

Liked the piano, played on it. Learned from his neighbor Pete Johnson and later Mary Lou Williams. Didn’t thought about the saxophone, it was really a coincidence that he later picked it up. His first gig with a local band was as a pianist.

(Music: The Who (1957) med Ed Thigpen)


“Smack, not Hawk”

He heard the Henderson orchestra live for the first time  in 1925.


“This could be the start of someting big - The first saxophone”

He became friends with Budd Johnson during a stay in Texas, who introduced him to the alto saxophone.


“Meeting Lester Young’s Father and the Family”

In 1929 Lester Young’s father was looking for musicians to play in his orchestra. Ben Webster contacted him and met the Young Family”


”Practise with Prez”


Swimming in the River

Time to relax, but not without risks.


”From alto to tenor saxophone”

Leaving the Young family, back on the road, the shift from alto to tenor.